Carrie Little
(919) 542-3626
Title I
Chatham County Schools' Title I program provides funds to eligible schools to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.
Each participant school in the district designs their support services based on a comprehensive needs assessment. Central Services monitors each school's goals throughout the academic year.
Title I provides district-level support to schools for the following activities: targeted support and improvement, parent and family engagement, McKinney-Vento coordination, and services to students and families with limited English skills.
In addition, the Title I Pre-K program coordinates access to quality pre-school education with Chatham County Partnership for Children. The partnership supports NC Pre-K classrooms throughout the county.
Title I Schools in Chatham County
Bennett School
Bonlee School
Chatham Middle School
J S Waters School
Moncure School
Pittsboro Elementary
Silk Hope School
Siler City Elementary
Virginia Cross Elementary